I'm getting an abortion tomorrow

I have been in your exact situation and also took the pill form. Here is some advice from my personal experience with this.

1. Make sure you eat something light before your appointment. This is especially true if you have a little bit of morning sickness, eating something bland like toast will help settle your stomach so you don't accidently throw up the pills.

2. Make sure to wear old undies and have giant pads ready.

3. Have a trash can ready. After the other 4 pills you most likely be nauseous. I had a garbage can right next to my bed in case I couldn't make it.

4. Follow instructions from your doctor to a T! Go to all follow up appointments. Read all the hand outs they give you and follow their advice.

5. Take the pain medications because it makes it so much easier to deal with the intense cramps. I'm not the type to even take OTC meds for headaches/period pain, but I sure as hell took my pain meds for this.

6. I'd recommend if possible to have someone there for you. This is crucial. Having that support is so important. I watched a movie with SO in bed and dozed off a few times. Having someone there makes a huge difference. My SO stayed by my side and that really brought us closer. I know I can count on him to support 100% no matter the situation.

7. Sleep. Lots of sleep helped me sleep through the pain.

Overall, it was not that bad for me, mostly like the heaviest most painful period I've ever had. Everyone is different and some may find it more painful than others, but for me it was not that bad, especially since I took the pain meds. The biggest feeling I had aftewards was the feelings of relief. I have been brought up in a pro-choice household so for me I had no moral qualms with abortion. Having the right mind set can be helpful. All you're doing is terminating a pregnancy that you aren't ready for you. If you decide to be a mom later in life, then you know you're doing the right thing because you're waiting until you're ready. It's good to have a solid foundation before bringing new little human beings in to the world.

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