I'm getting a Leopard gecko and have a couple questions!

  1. For heating you want to avoid any colored bulbs. You only need 1 heat source unless you want/need a supplemental one for night time. People recommend halogen bulbs (regular ones from hardware stores and such work fine, no need to use reptile branded ones) or an Arcadia deep heat projector. For either of those make sure you use a reliable thermostat and have a infrared thermometer to check your basking temperature.

  2. Fake plants are fine, just make sure they aren't flocked or coated with any chemicals or dyes. And make sure they don't have any sharp bits, if they do you'll need to sand it down. For plants people tend to recommend succulents, air plants, aloe, snake plants. I have some spider plants in mine that provide some nice cover and grow quite well in the arid environment.


/r/reptiles Thread