I'm glad this sub exists

This is something I notice: no matter how lovingly a Christian disagrees with homosexuality their opponents refuse to see anything other than hatred and bigotry. They're completely unappeasable, and your comment is an excellent example of that.

So, instead of disagreeing with homosexuality as "lovingly" as possible would you prefer a Christian was more frank instead? Alright then.

Sodomy is a form of sexual immorality that is no different than paedophilia, bestiality, corophilia or anything else. Therefore sodomites should be viewed with the same disgust we view paedophiles and people who practice sex with pigs. Their lifestyle is despicable, and their disgusting, horrendous sexuality is an expression of their soul: filthy and corrupt. This is why you will find so many gays to be narcissistic, vain, pompous, selfish perverts.

They robbed the Christian rainbow to use as a symbol of corruption; they accuse women who don't want gay perverts to enter their bathrooms of being "transphobic bigots"; they politicize their sexuality and use it as a weapon to attack all that's good and moral while bawling their eyes out about how "oppressed" they are. They are the most misogynistic people in the world because their faked feminine behaviour is a mockery of, and an insult against, women everywhere.

They're mentally deranged and some of them are even deluded about which gender they were born as; considering this it's no wonder so many are depressed or commit suicide, and yet somehow the problem is never their own schizophrenic persecution complex, but it's always because "society is oppressing them". Like little Nazis, they blame anything and everything for their problems except themselves.

Even the man who shot up the Orlando club was a sodomite himself and used gay dating apps, but people still find a way to blame religion for it, and since Islam is "fundamentalist" and Christianity is "fundamentalist", this clearly proves Christianity played a role in those killings, right? Yes, these LGBT sodomites are so coddled and pampered, that when a gay pervert kills a bunch of other gay perverts, somehow Christianity is to blame for it!

Where were all the peace flags and crying celebrities and gigantic media storms after an atheist shot up a Christian church, eh? What about when a madman shot up that school? Nowhere to be found. But when a bunch of perverts in a bar are killed suddenly we all have to know about it.

And the worst part is that with their persecution complex and their loud whining, just like a psychopath that manipulates his victims they've actually conned Christians into feeling sympathy for them, sometimes even supporting them!

Well the Bible says homosexuality is a sin worthy of death. God said to Israel, "if you have a sodomite in your midst, drag the pervert out, toss him in a pit, pick up rocks, and dash his body to pieces until he is dead", and you know what? I say the Bible is right: they got exactly what they deserved.

That's how you disagree with homosexuality "unlovingly".

So next time you see Christians disagreeing with homosexuality while trying to be as gentle and inoffensive as they can, Christians who say they realize it's a sin but they still love the people... the next time you see this you can appreciate where they're coming from. Because not all of us have as a merciful an outlook on sodomites as they do.

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