I'm going fucking insane

I was in a similar position as you. I hardly graduated, I had to go onto independent studies, basically home schooling done through the school district. I waited until about January and hammered out 2.5 years of high school credits in before June 1st. I wasn't able to send out graduation invites because I did not know if I'd graduate... But I made it..

Since then I have had highs and lows with OCD and depression.

Here are somethings that have helped me. The biggest was coming to the realization that if I put as much effort into treatment as I did into my rituals/anxiety. Then perhaps I might find improvement.
1. Getting sober and giving up alcohol/mind altering drugs entirely. Anything that is a downer I simply can not touch. One it makes me depressed and two it typically comes with some rebound anxiety at some point.

  1. Being fully honest and transparent with my therapist. I quit hiding that I have bizarre thoughts. We spoke about in general terms and have done some ERP/CBT which has helped me immensely.

  2. Learning about OCD via the OCD work book, my therapist and a psychologist. The more I understand it, the easier it is for me to recognize the early stages of rumination and/or compulsive behavior. It's far easier to deal with early OCD than deep rooted things you've held onto for years.

  3. I have to accept that I am not in control of everything and I can not control everything. It's difficult at times, but being able to accept that can be freeing.

  4. Medication, I went through what you did with RX. When I turned 30 I was put on Gabapentin, Clomipramine and trazodone to help me sleep. I had never stayed on a medication more than 3 months to a year and never really tried to keep track of how it was impacting me. With the Gabapentin, Clomipramine and trazodone I promised myself I would give it 6 months unless it became insanely apparent something was wrong and even then I would contact the prescriber before stopping so I could discuss the situation and we both make an informed decision as to what to do next. When I hit 6 months I looked back at those 6 months honestly. That moment I realized that I had gone 6 months without heart racing anxiety. My rituals were gone, they would occasionally pop up.. How ever the medication gave me just enough edge to put what I had learned in therapy to work and move on with my life/day. The rumination was all but gone, it would pop up here or there. How ever the medication gives me enough of an edge to say nope, not going there. My overall life was improving as well. I had a girl friend, things were going great. My career was going great.

  5. Being active in my community and with friends is a big one. Isolation is just bad news for us. Rumination will run wild.. It then becomes difficult to socialize and reach out as you're dealing with insane amounts of rumination/anxiety. I personally stay active in AA and volunteer at a homeless shelter. I'm currently working to get clearance to go into prisons and state hospitals and host AA/NA meetings for those there.

There is hope my friend. Your story might not look exactly like mine. Your treatment might not look exactly like mine. Keep working with your mental health care providers. Don't give up on RX.

/r/OCD Thread