I'm guessing most of you had a falling out with your sibling(s). Tell us about it. Why did it happen?

woww how did you guess? my siblings and i (intj) grew up very close, things didn't start falling out until recently and i think being at home all the time bc of covid had a factor. to start, i guess i'd consider myself the 'black sheep' of the family; i'm outspoken and have strong opinions. bc of this, i find that i am often scapegoated for any issues that occur within the family despite never actually even being involved in a conflict -- im often the butt of our parents' anger (and i always do fight back.. ). this can make me feel ostracized and is a very frustrating at times. i noticed that my siblings themselves had started to do the same thing as our parents throughout quarantine, where they would start placing blame onto me and not taking responsibility for their own actions. i got tired of this, and with both sides being stubborn, we rarely speak to each other now

/r/intj Thread