I'm so gullible

Man I never felt more depressed than listening to my in-laws repeatedly talk about how important it is that my husband get to sleep. Just "ohh man working without a good night's sleep is just so hard.." and I get he's their son but just over and over while I'm feeling my worst basically telling me to work harder to keep him from being burdened by our baby. I haven't had a full night's sleep in a year. My husband helps out a lot and I'm really just mad about his parents saying that shit, not him. But yea there are times when he's like "ugh I really have to sleep" while the baby is refusing to go to bed and it's like.. Ok? You think I'm keeping her up? You think I don't also want to sleep? What am I supposed to do, go sit in the nursery and hold her all night? If he's up, maybe he could get up and try to do something? I mean, he sleeps through 90% of her wake ups and I do all the feedings so if he is up I shouldn't feel bad about making him take care of her. But I pretty much always just try to tank it so he can rest and be happier. Which doesn't seem to be working and he doesn't seem to notice or appreciate (because there's like a thousand other things I could do too but it's hard) and now we're supposed to start transitioning her to the crib in her room and he's like why don't you do that while I'm out of town for a week, ya that way you won't be affected and I can be alone lol.

Aaannyway yea just tell him to do it, early on I did that some and it was better. Now my baby mostly sleeps through the night only a few pacifier adjustments so it's really not that bad.

/r/beyondthebump Thread