I'm happy, but what difference does that make?

No please, you're awesome! You weren't doing so well just a few months ago and then you picked yourself up and did something Very Right! You re-directed your life. Don't give up on that! Don't lose track. You might've fallen a billion times but you got up a billion times! That's brilliant! No-one is perfect and everyone falls sometimes (some of us more than others) but that's what makes us human. You got your whole life ahead of you, and learning from your past mistakes is what deepens us and makes life even more joyful.

If your friends don't believe you about your desire to stop drinking then that's their loss, but maybe you can still make up with them. They "convinced" you to go to this party in the first place. If the doctors say they think you got drugged then probably that WAS the case anyway. They seem to be nice people who are just scared of losing their friend- maybe they think tough love will work or something.

You will continue to make mistakes throughout your life, that's just how humans are. Don't beat yourself up about it. Don't forget the progress you've made. Focus on the right choices you've made. You are NOT your mistakes or else everyone is one big mistake. We can, however, learn from our mistakes. You're smart and awesome and I just want you to continue to live a long and meaningful life.

I'm sorry you feel this way, but please hold on there.

Here's a cool quote I found by Anthony Robbins: "Success in life is the result of good judgement. Good judgement is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgement."

Here's another quote, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall."

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