I'm so happy in myself right now but does anyone else feel like they can't talk about how good their life is going on Reddit?

I'm in a similar position. I'm using my throwaway account because some people know my main one and I'm afraid of them knowing just how well things are going. I'm really happy with where I'm at in life and I feel like I can't talk about it with anyone or even risk them knowing. I enjoy my work. My wife and I have a great relationship. We got legally married not too long ago and are going to have the ceremony next spring. I'm 28 years old and it looks like I'll bring in about $170k this year. 5 years ago I was working for $10/hr and living out of a hotel. The really exciting part, though, is that if my company can secure a few of the clients we have our eye on, this could increase by several multiples. Truth be told, there's a possibility that I'll be a millionaire in a year or two. This is crazy exciting for me and I can't talk about it with anyone but my wife - not even close family members.

Another problem with this is, without bragging, I'm honestly just generally a pretty generous person. I like to give people things - especially my family. I like to make people happy. I spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking of what to get people for Christmas and I've been told I'm a "good gift-giver" (even when the gift isn't all that expensive). Sometimes I'll go out to breakfast or lunch with certain members of my family and if I offer to cover it (which I'm happy to do), I get the feeling like they think I'm showing off. I'm not showing off - it's just that I know they're struggling. I've flat out given them money to help them out but even then... it's like... "just take this money, put it in your bank account, and never talk about this transaction again. there's no need to thank me a million times or feel bad. you're my family and I want you to be happy. not having this money causes zero impact on my happiness". It's not like I'm throwing out money left right and sideways but when I see my family struggling and I'm capable of helping... it just seems silly to not help due to dumbass social status crap.

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