I'm so jealous of girls who always have at least one guy interested in them

This sounds so incredibly lame. I’m sorry, but it’s difficult to be compassionate and I feel you need some honesty. I’m going to be totally honest.

Those girls aren’t single, because they’re secure or healthy or take more of their appearance or whatever. But mostly, they’re not single because they’ve met someone. In the end it doesn’t matter if 1 or 100 guys look at you. It only matters about the one who finds you attractive and vice versa at that moment.

I’d say; work on your insecurities. In your history, I can see that you’re addicted to sex. Whatever anyone tells you; no addiction is good for you. I think if you sexualize relationships or dates or even coziness, you’ll only end up hurting yourself more. I think you have some healthy issues as well from your post history. That’s something you could always work on. Being healthy doesn’t involve shedding one sweat at the gym. There are more ways if you don’t like being in the gym.

I quit social media because it destroyed my self esteem. I used to be jealous of people’s lives as well. They had houses, friends, relationship and all I did was jerk off to porn in my room to compensate for that. Than I turned things around. I am happy with my girlfriend and I lost 50 kilograms of weight.

I know you can do it, but only way to do it is to start transforming. Best of luck!

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread