I'm Karley Sciortino of Viceland's SLUTEVER. I've been a sex writer on the quest for slutty enlightenment for the past decade. I'm here to answer any and all of your questions for Valentine's Day—the weirder the better. Ask away!

In terms of advice: I was seeing the foremost psychologist in my region of the country, who has more experience than I have years lived and he gave up because he had no rebuttal for my view point because it is logically sound, or rather nothing about it is wrong. I tried faking it 'til I made it, filled it with friends and partying but it amounted only to me seeing a bunch of other people get happier as they found relationships, started families, and moved on with life. I don't drink, and my standards are pretty standard. Do I find you attractive?(Y/N) I myself am truthfully not an unattractive man, so clearly it's my demeanour.

I am able to be vulnerable around those I trust, but at this point no one in my life wants to hear about how emotionally nothing has changed over the years and if I try to bring it up I have no doubt I would only alienate them because no one has room in their life to take on someone else's shit. I didn't used to be bitter, 5+ years ago I was still optimistic but my circumstances have only gotten worse so it's difficult to not become embittered by failing to achieve what comes easily/naturally/without effort for others.

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