"I'm leaving MUA" posts

I've noticed the users who post those threads and those that chime in with their own "bullying" experiences usually don't have much of a leg to stand on when you go back and look at the actual posts/responses they're complaining about. Like, the author of that thread was referring to a post that literally had over 300 upvotes. A handful of downvotes/shitty comments on such a post does not constitute a widespread issue, it just means there are a handful of bad eggs in a 200,000+ sub. Her post was still extremely well-receive in the grand scheme of things and I honestly think it's frankly a bit ridiculous to be so upset that a few random strangers out of hundreds didn't like you or your post for some reason. A commenter who chimed in was pissy about an extremely vague and poorly worded (and therefore impossible to answer) comment in the simple questions thread that wasn't really received well, and acted extremely hostile to someone who pointed out that maybe her question wasn't phrased in the best way. I specifically remember seeing her post and ignoring it bc I had literally no clue what exactly she was asking or how to answer her.

Are there some issues with the sub? Of course. But reading those threads you'd think the entire sub was full of straight-up bullies gleefully downvoting and making mean comments that are then universally upvoted and praised. In actuality, there are some shitty people whose mean comments are typically reported to the mods and downvoted, and some people who don't understand what the downvote button is for. There are people like these in every subreddit, and it's an issue of a few assholes rather than a subculture of asshole-ishness. I mean, there's a reason people take to PMs and throwaways when they want to say really horrible things - they know that they'd be downvoted and banned if they spewed that vitriol using their real usernames.A place like the redpill has a widespread culture of encouraging asshole behavior; MUA does not.

Now, there are certainly some valid criticisms to be made about the subreddit culture in MUA - they've been discussed in this subreddit before. Some people in that thread also brought up some good discussion points, like how the expectation of sugary sweetness all the time can lead the posters becoming extremely upset and disillusioned over relatively minor aggressions. However, most of the "flouncers" and their supporters aren't delivering well-reasoned critiques of MUA and suggesting solutions, they're basically just yelling, "You're all bitches!!!!" and peacing.

/r/muacjdiscussion Thread