I'm Lior Samfiru, Canadian employment lawyer and television and radio host. AMA!

Low priority, not COVID-19 related I am wondering what the process is for applying for EI after choosing not to renew a contract due to work-related stress? My doctor has a year's worth of notes on this, but I'm wondering if you know what the application is like when you voluntarily decline work, but with good reason?

A follow up question, if I'm allowed, is whether there is a time limit on seeking payment for extra hours worked? I recently found out that after a non-managerial employee works 44 hours in a week, they are meant to get time and a half (either in pay or lieu). I have been doing a job for years where, when events happened, we'd be working 100+ hour weeks. We are salaried employees, so hourly pay for extra hours worked wasn't possible, but we were given a small amount of time off in lieu for each of these events (e.g. 22.5 hours instead of the full extra 60+ that we worked). If you could shed any light on this, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for sharing your expertise at a time like this!

/r/IAmA Thread