I'm a lone dad that's shaved my head all my life, I'm learning how to do different hairstyles for my daughter with the help of YouTube videos, I'm proud of this plait!

A woman wouldn’t be praised if she learnt a new skill for her son though, in fact it would be expected and she’d be berated as much as you are being praised for that. I’m not meaning to be a dick but you should learn about the double standards women face if you’re raising a daughter. I don’t hate men. Is that how fragile you are to assume my comment meant that ? I hate the double standards of society and the way men treat women though. You have a daughter r/incels literally would say vile things about your daughter and you’re okay with that but not “man hating subs” that talk about women’s rights.... wow... if you think there’s this made up gender bias then maybe you should look at some of the subs they still have on here such as dead eyes if you think that. Creep.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it