Im looking for articles on why someone should not vote for Hillary

Here are some.

During Hillary's tenure as SOS,181 Clinton Foundation donors lobbied the State Dept.

Hillary's State Department approved $165 billion in weapons sales to 20 countries that contributed to the CF.

Clinton Foundation received millions from Ukranian steel magnate and used his private plane for free.  He socialized with the Clintons.

He was also afforded about a dozen meetings with State Dept officials in 2011-2012 re:  the political crisis in Ukraine.  Private citizen from a foreign country gives money to CF, provides gifts to the Clintons, and also has direct access to the State Dept and the US Sec of State.

85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had either donated to the CF or pledged money to its international programs.

Hillary left the State Dept in 2013.  From 2013 to 2015, Hillary made $22 million in speaking fees to big banks and big business.  Bill made $27 million making speeches during the same period.  Hillary promised to release transcripts from her speeches to Goldman Sachs.  Still waiting for that.

Were these special interests particularly interested in what Hill had to say, or were they more interested in buying influence with the presumed frontrunner in 2016? 

Hillary as Sec of State intervened on behalf of a Swiss bank re:  secret accounts.  Shortly thereafter the CF and Bill himself were the objects of the bank's considerable largesse.  This one is really shady.

 Hillary the Hawk

Hillary bought Dubya's justification for Iraq hook, line, and sinker.

But everyone believed him, right?  Nope.

Hillary supported the regime change in Libya, which has been a complete disaster.  Didn't learn a damn thing from Iraq.

Clinton supported regime change in Syria.  Didn't learn a damn thing from Iraq or Libya.

Clinton supported the coup in Honduras, because the President was a leftist.

/r/HillaryForPrison Thread