I'm looking at you Ubisoft.

You made one small comment. Have a short essay in response.

if EA has 2 good games next year they are gonna be the best company ever.

Ever? No. For the year? Possibly.

Currently, EA is shit, and their business decisions are terrible.

Next year though, is next year. There could be completely different leadership in the company by then (something something wishful thoughts).

Other than for memes, why are people criticising EA? I'm doing it because I want good games, and I want companies to use good practices for their games. If EA actually reverses how they've been acting, and delivers quality games without ruining them with terrible business practices, fuck yes I will say EA is a great company.

By all means, say "FUCK EA" all you want right now. The people in charge are ass holes and they deserve the backlash they're getting. But if EA starts actually doing things right and gives us quality content? Isn't that the whole fucking point of all this?!

/r/gaming Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com