I'm lost in all these YT tutorials.

Well, did you watch the better videos from the higher quality good sources and usual suspects like,





etc... ?

If so, then you should be ready to dive in and start a project!

If not, then you'll have to rewatch the basic introductory videos, and this time perhaps take notes as you watch.

If after rewatching the introductory videos, but this time taking notes more carefully... then well... I honestly don't know what more to suggest. You can try books and online written tutorials (which are basically books but in a web format).

If none of that works... Then... whelp... Perhaps programming might not be your thing in that case?

If that's true, then nothing wrong with that! Artistic painting isn't my thing. Car mechanics isn't my thing. Pastry-Chef-Culinary-Arts isn't my thing. Artistic dancing isn't my thing. Parachuting out of an airplane isn't my thing either!

Thus, as is the case with all humans, some things we're good at, and are not destined to try or embrace!

But before you arrive at that decision about computer programming, maybe try the basic high quality introductory videos one last time, while taking notes more carefully, and then re-reviewing your notes.

/r/learnpython Thread