I'm making a chart consisting all of the plant/flower recipes to make life easier. Contribute to hurry the process!


⊙Bad Pod (No water)

⊙Reward Pod (Blue)

⊙Zombie Holder (Green)

⊙Zombie Killer (Purple)

⊙Fruit Plant (Blue,Green,Purple)

⊙Clone Pod (Blue+Upgrade???)

⊙Golden Bucket Plant



⊙Lab A area?

⊙Lab B area? (Golden Bucket plant location)

⊙Bunker area?


⊙Blue - Behind Lab A

⊙Green - Behind Lab B

⊙Purple - Bunker, lower floor.

⊙Rainbow - Sewage Tube.

The plants grow over the course of three rounds. If during the growth process any water is added then that will increase the likelihood of that type of plant growing. If the same water is applied over the three rounds then you are guaranteed that the relative plant will grow.

If the coloured water (or no water) are mixed over the 3 growth stages, then the outcome can be any plant that relates to them, unless the mixture is one of each colour which will produce a Fruit Plant. The Rainbow Water can produce any of the regular plants (It's random).


From what I can gather not much is known about this yet. NoahJ seems to think you need to shoot the plants every single time you water them. There is evidence that shooting the Reward Pods with the wonder weapon as they grow can produce Revive Pods, as well as giving you even better rewards from the pods. The Zombie Holder plant has been reported to hold the crawler indefinitely. The Zombie killer plant has also been reported to be improved.

/r/CODZombies Thread