I'm a millennial. Each perfectly timed crash in my financial history has prepared me for this economic holy war. I think my parents view the Hunt brothers as comical ill-fated villains. I see they are heroes.

I grew up in Silicon Valley. Right in the heart of it. I should have gotten rich off the boom but I was a lazy shithead, even though I studied C++ in HS in the same coffee shops as google engineers pre-gmail.

I've gotten shafted a few times. I've done alright, better than the average human, by western standards. But I've become disillusioned, and I free admit that.

Stack that which exists in the physical realm. Trust what you can feel, both in the tangible sense and the gut instinct.

"Things are gonna change I can feel it" ... "I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me" - Beck, Loser - an influential song and an even more influential music video IMHO

This is considered solid DD and absolute financial advice and you should definitely consult a lawyer to sue me if you lose money on a misconstrued Beck quote.

/r/Wallstreetsilver Thread Link - s3.amazonaws.com