I'm a monster.I hurt my boyfriend so badly and I don't know how to fix it.Prayer request.

According to the Bible, as articulated in the attached article, looks do matter but character matters more.

It is very possible for a 6 to marry an 9. You have a very narrow understanding of lust. The numerical hotness scale you are using does not take into account sexual chemistry. An average man or woman may increase in looks if their personality is such that it draws people in.

Christians need to decide if they are going to marry God's way or man's way.

Since many marriages during Paul's time were basically made for pragmatic purposes and not love, his advice to married Christian couples not to withhold sex applied to all couples and not just the "hot" ones who burned with pasion.

You can be certain some of the married couples receiving the apostle's instructions were "shackled" with a spouse they would trade in if they could but the advice remains the same, they cannot deny each other sexually.

So the Christian in the dead bedroom situation is result of one of the spouses withholding sex, which according to the NT must be mutually agreed upon. No where in the Bible does marital relations hinge upon a hotness scale. Once married sex is to continue even in advanced years; hence the OT instructions not to abandon the wife of your youth.

The OP says that she finds him to be an attractive man and his original physical flaw is now of no concern to her. She unfortunately didn't clear her search and now he does not believe her.


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