I'm new to Reddit. I started this comic series a little while back. What do you guys think?

The art is great and at a professional level definitely enough to be legitimate cartoon. However the humor is bland and is not really funny more like a pun it's not necessarily funny but it is a joke. A lot of humor comes from unexpected outcomes or situations. The far side exemplifies this perfectly, Larson's comics had unexpected jokes or situations that made them funny. The joke "is this the droid you are looking" is overused and completely expected giving me less of a reason to read it. Also the comic has absolutely no relevance. If android was to be discontined or changed this would make more sense and possibly have a shot at the New Yorker. If I were you I would do 2 things, create funnier material by learning from successful comics or comedians, or you can make comics that comment on recent news events like I said before. I really like the alien idea but I feel like you are not using it to it's full potential. There is a lot of comedy you can create with aliens that I feel like you are not exploring or testing out from the other comics of yours I have read. You have everything except for the comedy which is up to you. Don't be afraid to take risks on unfunny material because you might stumble upon a really good "gimmick" that hasn't been done before. I feel like you are going for safe chuckles instead of going for laughs. You have great potential however and I believe that you can definelty make great comics considering you art and website, keep trying and keep making content but try to find you target audience because this seems to be great for people in their late 50's to early 80's (I mean that in a good way, it means you are creating a classic style of comic).

TL;DR: jokes are extremely bland and OP needs to take more risks in his humor. However the art is on point and OP shows immense potential as a comic writer.

/r/StarWars Thread Link - i.imgur.com