I'm not asking for a right or wrong answer, but do you believe that discrimination ties into capitalism?

absofruitly. One of the earliest manifestations of capitalism was the transatlantic slave trade. These assaults on Tulsa and dozens of other pockets of Black prosperity can be traced to the white bourgeoisie realizing they couldn't siphon wealth from Black communities the way they could from the white working class. So they bribe the white working class with tiny morsels of the spoils while claiming the lion's share of the stolen land and wealth.

Capitalism isn't so much "inherently" racist/sexist/homophobia (tbh I don't really know what that's supposed to mean), but it's certainly okay with racism, sexism, homophobia, and will use them as tools to enhance their profits when the opportunity arises.

Capitalism and these other forms of oppression are mutually reinforcing. You can't really demolish one without examining and demolishing the others.

/r/communism101 Thread