I'm not saying this dog is fluent in English, or that she's having conversations. What I am saying is Christina Hunger (Stella's human) is a speech-language pathologist who claims to have discovered how dogs can talk, and I think I kinda believer her.

This is video 1

Hello there everyone!! Welcome to the Hunger for Words community! I’m THRILLED you’re here! I feel completely honored by this outpouring of enthusiasm and inspiration Here is a fun Stella series to kick off this new chapter!

Jake and I were discussing taking Stella to Petco. She was certainly listening...!

Video 1: Stella said “Goodbye outside.” This is the third time in the past few weeks that Stella has combined “good” and “bye” to say “Goodbye” instead of just “bye”!

Video 2: Jake said he wanted to hang our spice racks first, started the project, and Stella told him, “Later Jake” (Translation: Do that later, I want to go!)

Video 3: Stella came full circle with her message and told us she was REALLY ready to leave by saying, “Bye bye bye good bye!” (Looks like we have ourselves a little @nsync fan)

I hope you all have a great day!

Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP

Speech-language pathologist who discovered how dogs can talk

/r/gifs Thread Link - i.imgur.com