I'm not one to whine, but this is what MonteCristo thought he could just tweet. (League of Legends)

I agree with you. The problem is that, nothing will actually change unless something REALLY big happens. Like, just look at Blizzard. The sexual harassment there has been going on for years, but only now has started to be addressed. And it's still debatable if anything is even gonna change.

I'm almost sure that if you try to post something like this in the League sub for example, you'll mostly get a lot of dudes complaining about feminism, 'SWJs', how it's not as bad as you say because "I've never seen it happen", etc. It would be a lot easier to raise awareness and make a change if the player-base of the game actually cared about these things and openly complained about them, but let's be real here, many of these players are, at best, just as disgusting as these employees.

I don't know, maybe I'm too cynical. I do believe things will get slowly better, but I also believe that there's certain situations where you can only do so much, otherwise it's kind of pointless and bad for your mental health.

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