I'm not sure if this type of post is allowed, but I ask that you all please sign this petition to make my school's spring semester have a pass/fail option. I cannot learn well on my own, and I worry that my GPA will suffer because of online classes

I signed it to throw support for you my man but students at my school (also in va) are pulling the same shit and I’m not on board at all.

I understand this may be a little different for seniors, whatever yeah. But think about this. I just my ass in the beginning of every semester so that I don’t have to play catch up to get the grades I want. I work significantly harder to secure that A or high B than a student who gets a low C or a high D does. How is it fair that we will now get the same grades all across the board?

Sure life isn’t fair but it really just seems like some people have a problem with putting the work in and that’s where my problem is. All due respect OP, but people that want grades to switch to pass fail at this point are equivalent to those that want to sit back and take free rides off the government while spending their food stamps on cigarettes. The semester is more than half over for Christ’s sake.

This online class should be easier honestly.

/r/Frat Thread Link - chng.it