I'm not sure if this is infected?

Ooo I can answer that! Because I too had an injury and I too had a question and you know what I got pal..?

Not even a single comment bothering to care. Not a single "Doctor" to tell me yes your worrys and concerns are legitmate. Not one person tool their time to read my story and to help me ask many so come to this subreddit.

So here you come with pus guts and sh!t coming out a tube and you ask, "...Is it infected...?" Whats this..? ...Someone? Who.. Thinks your health is importany and that you should.. What?? Go.. to.. a... Doctor??? Like as if you didn't already know that yourself its literally pussing a white tube but instead you try to tell them they're wrong! And that you are fine and well that confuddles me.

And yes i could have kept scrolling and i could have not answered but I genuinely answered you because YOU did not respond with anything insightful :)

You bother posting and people might care. They didn't for me, but! Some concerned individual legitimately took the time out of their day and might of said to themselves.. "...yes that looks bloody awful this man should be posting this from the clinic as we speak and if not he should go to them..."

Hahaha and instead you dismissed it. Because I don't know you must just really believe in your ownself and obviously this is just reddit who knows anything certainly not the people you are asking help for so I did was any rational adult would do to a child who he has no more sympathy for and I told you what I thought you wanted to hear. Because if the answer you were looking for was not to "...go to the doctor.." Then in my mind that means quite simply you must want to hear the opposite!

So tl;dr Youre on a subreddit and you are not insightful to peoples sensible suggestions thus you deserve nothing. No pity, no remorse, just to hear what you came to hear. That you're right and I'm wrong.

/r/AskDocs Thread Parent