"I'm not trying to be ableist btw"

FPH started doxxing people and getting all upset about something really stupid just because they felt like it. The people over at /r/Coontown know to keep their opinions to themselves while in other subreddits (otherwise they'd just eat downvotes), and they don't bother doxxing or raiding/brigading as far as I can tell. IIRC most of what they circulate is just news articles and statistics to justify a bunch of racial prejudice. FPH was doing the exact same thing (less news and statistics, more facebook and tumblr posts but pretty much the same thing) until they turned into a textbook example 'witch hunt'/kindergarten class in less than an hour.

I don't know how people could keep leaving that out. Yeah it's a shame an entire subreddit went down and those people don't have a place to discuss whatever it was they were circlejerking about there anyway. It's a shame their shame. It wasn't unjustified and anyone who was around to see the shit that was going on could clearly see FPH was blatantly breaking rules. I know the story and I know they didn't "start it", but that doesn't really matter. The response wasn't calm, collected, or seemingly discussed (unless privately maybe?) and the entire subreddit reacted extremely unreasonable for something that I don't think was even that big of a deal, and could definitely have been talked over and straightened out.

Doesn't matter who threw the first punch. Doesn't matter that it's taking away a voice from those people. That kind of response was similar to a child throwing a tantrum. It deserved what it got not because of the place it was, but because it showed it wasn't a mature enough sub (and didn't have mature enough leaders/mods) to play along with everyone else.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com