I'm on mdma and I love you guys.

I also haven’t done MDMA in 2 years. Last time was October or November 2019? I bought off my friend like 3 capsules for $60? Anyhow we were at a park at like 11pm coz that’s what we used to do and the shit just didn’t hit. Paperballed it so it hit quicker and still didn’t hit. Shit was rough in my life at that time and I needed it. I was newly on anti-dep meds which is why I suspect it didn’t hit. The first time I took them in a year or so earlier I wasn’t on meds and it hit, albeit hours after all my friends so while they were all sleep I was coming up. I even did it at school one time (I don’t advise it but it was the last day of school before holidays and it was an interesting day to say the least)

I’ve probably only done MD 5-10 times, within a year. I haven’t done it since because I don’t really hang out with the same people anymore, don’t have a plug, and it’s expensive not knowing if it’s gonna hit or not and when. The euphoric highs were great but the comedowns were anything but. I rarely had weed for the comedown too, massive mistake. Hope you had fun g.

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