I'm part of the gypsy family that cursed the city AMA

I've always why Mikey and everyone he seems to hang out with are such raging douchebags. It seems like Mikey owes everyone in town for coke and I recall one time I was at Press a couple summers ago. Mikey and some fat, greasy guy with a full head of hair comes out to the patio, take a seat, and then fat greasy man gets a call on his cell phone.

He immediately starts bellowing into it on how he's going to "bury" whomever he's talking to. Like shouting over and over again "I will fucking bury you! Do you hear me, I will bury you!" then goes on to say "I don't make threats, I make fucking promises!" This went on for a few minutes while families looked on in bewilderment. Mikey did try to shush him a little, but to no avail; fat greaseball man kept yelling that over and over into the phone. It was quite embarrassing for those two.

/r/Spokane Thread