I'm pretty proud of this game, winning your typical 2k mmr game xD.

Hover to view match ID: 3326243646 DB/OD

Dire wins 56-38 @ 41:09

Lvl Hero Player K/D/A LH/D XPM GPM HD HH TD
21 anon 6/18/7 142/5 482 345 13874 0 842
18 anon 6/12/7 155/3 363 343 12817 550 478
25 anon 7/5/14 212/1 698 433 21473 0 660
24 anon 14/11/16 120/5 595 457 32507 0 369
18 anon 3/12/20 48/0 348 269 5694 0 119
106 108 ↑Radiant↑ ↓Dire↓ 36/58/64 56/39/66 677/14 762/41 2486 2683 1847 2292 86365 147269 550 6181 2468 17103
25 DB/OD SpitFire707 10/5/10 297/2 676 578 30520 0 9209
20 DB/OD AintNoCasual 8/6/12 163/2 440 454 29129 0 2501
21 DB/OD Perfecteau 3/9/18 61/0 452 352 11385 6181 1790
17 anon 2/16/15 56/0 312 299 13616 0 1071
25 DB/OD xH0UGH3Rz 33/3/11 185/37 803 609 62619 0 2532

source on github, message the owner on Discord

/r/DotA2 Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it