I'm quirky and cute and do the exact same look in every post. Upvotes pweeeeeasssseeeee!

Your post wasn't for CC, it wasn't for tips

That's not true. The only reason I post is for advice, but as you can see, I only ever really get comments about my physical appearance. The fact that you're assuming that I do it just for compliments is straight up shitty because I have done absolutely nothing to validate you thinking that. I welcome CC in every post. If you look at my history, I've asked for specific tips such as eyeshadow technique, etc. Everyone loves compliments, but that is not why I post. I have other posts that have very little comments, and that is completely okay. You have no right to act like I'm self-centered because I've posted a few selfies (without knowing that it was frowned upon) that look a little too similar.

The only reason I started including my Instagram (I've only put it in 2 of my posts, btw) was because I have gotten several comments and messages asking to see more of my posts, and tutorials. Instead of linking several users to my Instagram (which IS against the rules,) I just included it in my product list.

Not because of your look, but your intentions.

There's several comments in this thread saying that I'm being downvoted because my look is boring & similar to ones I've already posted. Which is fine, that's CC. I've said multiple times that I sincerely didn't even think about the fact that my looks are too similar, and I didn't even know that was frowned upon until now. I have never received anything but positive comments/CC, so I was unaware I was doing anything wrong.

/r/muacirclejerk Thread Parent Link - imgur.com