I'm really concerned about men's mental health

Women don’t want to hear your feelings. My ex likes emotional guys if they are brown but because I’m white im supposed to fit the masculine stereotype that I would also be scolded for for behaving like. So it’s “be more evolved in your views and thinking towards society but if I catch you doing that I will subconsciously be less attracted to you for not fulfilling the ‘powerful’ role that was gifted to you by society as a tall somewhat handsome white male”. I don’t believe all women are like this I’ve been politically left my entire life but avoid woke women but don’t relate to more empathetic republican women and I feel broken inside because I haven’t scraped myself off the ground after the total embarrassment that was my marriage and I want to die sometimes and feel numb and dead inside and fuck my family too

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread