I'm really sick of all the casual racism/bigotry on reddit. *vent*

I don't think anyone will read this comment because I'm posting it so late but whatever. I have to disagree with you. I've felt way more welcome in the States than in India. My relatives in India and in the States berate me for letting go of Indian culture. I don't speak Marathi like the rest of my family and I don't go to temple. When I'm in India, workers in hotels, restaurants, shops, etc. can sometimes tell I'm not from anywhere around there jist by looking at me. My daily life consists of things any ordinary white or non-white American would do. India has never felt like any kind of home for me because every time I'm there I'm reminded that there really is no common culture between my relatives and me; only a common skin color. I didn't ask to be born here, but I don't mind it either. I'm quite comfortable identifying as American. And I've befriended white Americans from all over the political spectrum, from Bernie supporters to Trump fans, and even the Trump supporting friends, while I vehemently abhor their ideology, didn't think of me as some kind of foreigner bent on destroying America.

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