I'm scared that porn will ruin sexual intimacy with my girlfriend. What situation are you in?

This addiction has almost destroyed me... (sexually speaking)

To the point I don't think about girls. Not even look at them. It's funny; when I was younger I thought asexuality was the best. I wished I could be like that, just pushing one button and everything would be alright. I didn't want to look at girls or fantasize about them. Little did I know that it's better to feel lonely and frustRated than to not feel anything at all.

Now I have become almost asexual. But after an insane amount of excessive masturbation and bad content (some really bad stuff; screw producers btw). It's like I don't even know what I am. I think I don't care anymore. There's just a void. (sentimentally)

Be careful what you wish for...

And be careful with bad content, it can destroy you... just like it did to me.

I only have the fight now. Only forward. That's it.

One day at a time.

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