I'm so scared to be a trans girl in this country (14 mtf)

Things aren't going to get better. I can't believe you actually think that. We're basically guaranteed to lose at least some rights since we're getting four more years of this government. There are more people who believe terf shit than ever before. Even my own family tell me that they can't gender me correctly because they "always tell the truth and believe in reality". And my family consider themselves supportive of trans people!

It feels like I'm living in a parallel universe when other trans people talk about how tolerant people are here. I haven't experienced a shred of acceptance or tolerance since I came out. I'm in my thirties, with no friends (because I'm trans and they all left me), no job (because I don't pass and no one will hire me), and no one in my life who even believes that trans people are a real thing, because terf shit is fucking everywhere and people believe it. I can't pass because I left it too late to come out. And no one will even do me the courtesy of using my new name or pronouns. Not one person.

And then I come online and see people talking about how tolerant this country is. What am I supposed to do, just stay quiet and not talk about how bad things can get for people like us?

/r/transgenderUK Thread Parent