I'm Shireen Ghorbani, Democrat running for Congress here in Utah. AMA!

hi! i have a few questions, feel free to answer as many or as few as you can/wish:

-When did you decide you wanted to run for elected office in general, and a House of Representatives seat in particular (if the two times are different)? Did any particular people or events influence your decision to do so?

-Do you have any specifics on your thoughts and plans for minimum wage at this time? I'm given to understand Utah's minimum wage is the same as the federal right now; as a rep of Utah, do you have a policy preference, so to speak, between raising the federal minimum and the Utah minimum?

Wild card question: Mitt Romney looks favored to take the Senate seat up for grabs in your state, and the media has been casting him lately as railing against current Congressional Republican attitudes, particularly towards the budget. Can you share any thoughts about your fellow Utah Congressperson-to-be, any points of agreement with his policies you might have, any particular points of disagreement?

/r/politics Thread