I'm sick of all these posts showing off their mini fridge of plastic water bottles, Or showing a tower of plastic water bottles. So I propose "United Against Plastic"

I'm not quite sure what you meant do I interpreted the reply as:

What of we donate reusable water bottles to people who want to use less plastic.

If that is wrong then correct me and ignore the following.

The reason a person would have to use a plastic water bottle may be: They don't have tap water and have to use a well(Well may not be good aswell), Can't afford a filter and tap water doesn't taste good, Or frequently lose stuff. In these cases it would be better to reduce and recycle a plastic water bottle or in the case of " can't afford filter" to save up money to buy a filter and drink plastic water bottles In the meanwhile. It doesn't have to do with them not having a water bottle as their $10 for a cheap one

/r/HydroHomies Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it