Fine. Then enjoy another term of Trudeau.

You people need to grow up and realize that elections aren't about your feelings, they're about what's best for the country.

If there was any chance Max could win, I'd be campaigning for him on overdrive right now. But there isn't. So we have to settle for second best. You can either invest yourself in trying to at least get second best, or you can stamp your feet like a fucking, cry No! I want Max! Waaahhh!" and give the worst option another victory. Another four years of increasing environmentalist gouging of taxpayers. Another four years of being an ISIS safe-have, another four years of Canada being a joke on the international stage. Another four years of McKenna, Hussen, Monsef, Khalid and the rest of them.

That's what you want? That's what you're going to condemn Canada to out of spite because you lost when you threw your support behind a hopeless fine candidate who ended up having no chance? You're going to punish Canada for your own stupidity by condemning to another Term of Turdeau? .

As someone who's literally fought for this country, and as someone's who's spent the last 3 years campaigning to get rid of Trudeau: Eat shit and die

/r/metacanada Thread