"I'm So Sick Of People Praising My Husband For Being An Amazing Dad"

Given that we have millions of kids being raised without a father, isn't it a good thing to point out the men that are actively engaged? True, the praise means so much more when coming from a guy to another guy, but step one is praising behavior we'd like to see. My mom had a load of kids and my dad is proud that he never changed a single diaper. My mom has a masters degree just like him, but she did all the heavy lifting of childcare. Lots of men were raised with stuff like that as an example. So to see so many men take steps to change is admirable.

Likewise, women were sold on the 'you can have it all' model. Perfect career, perfect mother, perfect body and perfect relationship with your man. Most have learned just what a lie that is. So we need to praise women who are real about the struggle to make it work, including giving each other a break when it comes to parenting. If there are two parents actively involved, mom can mess up a little knowing that dad has got her back.

This article doesn't point out that it is probably women that are complimenting her husband and it is likely women who are giving her the glare when her kids act up in public. So I suspect this is a women's inter-relational issue, men are the innocent victims in her tirade.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - romper.com