I'm a Silver Player in Plat V.

Not saying you're the worst example of this, but it's pathetic that you will escape repercussions because you don't say anything. League of babies has gotten to the point where you can do anything in the game to make your team lose except type.

You came here looking for opinions, and of those that said you should play, most of them said TO IMPROVE; take note of what you're doing right/wrong etc. You're just spamming games one after the other without even remotely correct runes or masteries, nevermind playing more suitable champions or taking time between to analyse what happened.

To top it off, you're doing it all in the most pivotal role in the game. If your collective team as a whole (you included) were a person, you would essentially be trying to run a marathon, after you intentionally kneecapped yourself with a shotgun.

I would agree this is a great opportunity for you to improve your game, but you aren't even trying... If we're still going with the marathon analogy, it's a foot-race, try cutting your arm off instead; play lower skill cap champions (tanks/support healers), and do at least 30 seconds of googling to see how to build the champion (runes/masteries/items).

I would say stop playing, but I'm pretty damn sure this is falling on deaf/ignorant ears, hopefully you are at least having fun wasting your teammates' time.

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