I'm sitting in the hospital with a collapsed lung right now, what are some lung jokes I can tell to people?

Ohhhh, seeings they will know your situation. Ask them this one!!!!

Nurse! nurseee! (Or doctor) How many lungs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

If they attempt to answer, just say a abruptly!

"One! Now watch this!" Try not to yell it, & I don't want you to hurt yourself but if you could pretend to sit up just a tiny bit, I'm sure they'd freak out a bit XD (This was the third one I came up with but I had to put it up top.)

What did one lung say to the other lung?

"I'm sorry jack, there's not enough room inside this door for the both of us.'"

That only works if they know of titanic.

How many lunge's did the lung do?

None! Cause he was to busy "luuunging" around. (Pronounce the U's & n a bit more to get it closer to the sound of lounging)

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread