I'm sorry, Great Grandfather, we have forgotten.

I don’t wear Poppies because I don’t carry change. It’s as simple as that. Some would see that as being callous and others would see that as being normal in 2018.

In the age of information I don’t think we have to ‘remember’ the horrors of war because we seem to be reminded of them every day. And yes, I’ll always cast a thought back to the people that died fighting the wars of the past. But to see the way the governments handle it is just pure hypocrisy in some cases.

Governments start wars and its people die. Often in horrible circumstances and unfair ways. Sometimes people don’t have a choice - and that’s what bothers me.

The focus on remembering should be highlighting the importance of peace. We should be reminding the greedy that war scars the Earth and the psyche of its people.

But what do I know? I’m a modern fellow.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread