I'm starting to hate my bestfriend and seriously consider removing him from my life.

Your best friend is me on another level. Dropped out of high school due to poor grades and anxiety. Tried many times to earn a degree at community college but always ended up dropping out. I work a dead end retail job now. I spend my nights smoking weed and playing games until 4-5 am and wake up around 11-12. Like shit, I got my drivers license at 22.. Cause I failed the driving test multiple times due to half ass studying. I'm 24 now and it really sucks to see my buddies from high school enjoying their lives that they worked hard for... while I feel stuck. I don't have any friends and if I did, I ghosted all of them. I think it's due to my lack of confidence. I like being alone because I don't have to compare myself to others and feel like shit at the end of the day. But at the same time I know that I'm just digging myself into a deeper hole as I grow older.

/r/confession Thread