I'm still pissed.

U in yo Pussy ass feelings over some down votes??? U need to get laid.

Yea we can go to white schools now(even tho we never asked for that we asked for equal funding and treatment). Yea we can ride on the bus with y'all. We can get good jobs even tho black doctors, lawyers and judges have been around for ages. But you looking for examples shows your ignorance cuz the shit is all around. Youll just knock every single one. They have been doing this shit since black wall street and cointelpro. U think it stopped because the gov'ment said so? Cracka please.

You got the white flight. Keeping blacks in certain neighborhoods. Kept blacks and mexicans outta boy scouts(that's how the crips and Latin kings started, that and for protection). BUT even still places like compton and Harlem were actually deceng and considered middle class for black ppl.

What do they do??? Drop drugs in those same communities and now they are destroyed. Black wall street all over again. What else do they do??? Propaganda. You know like how they did al Qaeda to justify bombing them. Same case here. Drop drugs into the community. Then portray blacks as hyper sexual, aggressive law less thugs. Since drugs is there and now that the media has succeeded in showing one side now you have a crisis and a war on drugs. So they up the sentencing and put more boots on the ground to stop the drugs and guess where tf they all are.....the ghetto. The hood. So now you have the black man living in severe circumstances with a tainted image. You have what they do to the muslims. So now the cops are justified in killing them because they are lawless thugs more than likely to shoot you if you dont shoot them. How tf do you think they outlawed marijuana?? By saying it made blacks aggresive look it up. How do you think they split up the black panthers??? Propaganda and slander by spreading lies and blaming the leaders inside the party like they said they would.

They have been doing this shit for ages. Create a stigma, create a circumstance, destroy the image and finally destroy the ppl.

We have millions pf black kids go to college. We have black kids who graduate high school early. We have black doctors saving lives on the daily. But the media shows you one side. And ppl like you address us as that side and that side only. That's part of systematic racism. Destroy the community and make it difficult to escape. Man catches a drug case becomes a felon loses rights makes it easier to go back to jail. Rinse amd repeat until the mext child in the the ghetto with no guidance does the same.

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com