I'm a therapist and I believe that Mormonism creates high levels of borderline personality disorder

I strongly believe my mother has either BPD (and my father appears to have NPD) Somehow I've come out marginally okay.

Do you recommend any particular books for dealing with my mother in particular? I have read Stop Walking on Eggshells https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=hchK0syarwEC&source=productsearch&utm_source=HA_Desktop_US&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=PLA&pcampaignid=MKTAD0930BO1&gl=US&gclid=CJi-7d6HzM4CFUgAfwodlDwIDg&gclsrc=ds

And Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=8_G5hp-xLuAC&source=productsearch&utm_source=HA_Desktop_US&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=PLA&pcampaignid=MKTAD0930BO1&gl=US&gclid=CPm5q_GHzM4CFVNifgodoSUGkg&gclsrc=ds

I'm sure you can see how that applies since they are similar disorders in some ways and my dad may or may not have NPD. It's very hard to tell where one (parent) ends and one begins and whether or not one is really just the enabler of the other. Also I recognize human memory is fallible so sometimes I even wonder what was real and how much of my memories of childhood are accurate. Anyway, I'm well aware of the fact that I could use some therapy despite my unusually good coping skills. I am currently grey rock with my entire family, if you're familiar with that term.

Let me know if you recommend any books in particular for family of someone they suspect has BPD. It's not often I can ask someone that question and they actually know what I am talking about. Thanks in advance if you respond. I know I'm essentially asking for free advice, but you did come here and post! Feel free to ignore my request :)

/r/exmormon Thread