I'm Tired of Hearing This When People Talk About NovelAI's Image Generation

First and foremost, you’re not gonna do shit so just stfu. You remind me of kids in online video games that say their cousin works for Xbox and he will get you banned. I’d love to see a lawyers reaction… deanec64: “Ummm yea this subreddit I joined banned me for defending the creation of AI generated child porn so I want to sue them” you’d get laughed out of the room. Pathetic. Second, based on your replies to comments on this thread and others, you’re more interested in actually creating AI generated child porn than you are in defending free speech. You’ve pretty much stated you plan to make some in a different comment on your profile. You’re a literal pedophile. u/Eli-Thail has described very clearly how it’s child porn. Myself and hopefully WHOEVER ELSE SEES YOUR COMMENTS AND PROFILE will report you for being a pedophile who advocates for the rape of women. You’re a pathetic human

/r/NovelAi Thread Parent