I'm totally losin myself

Put girls on the back burner for now. Focus on your work, getting bigger, attaining more knowledge (start reading if you haven’t already). If you do drugs stop now (for me personally i was smoking a ton of weed, doing a lot of lsd & mushrooms).

I say this not as a dick measuring contest or to try to make you feel bad but i myself was in your shoes recently. Very depressed, shitty job, no sex (hadnt had sex in 6 years) and now i have my own (small) business-sometimes making up to $100/hr and i never went to college, im working out & have put on a good amount of size. Am i an “alphalord” lol fuck no. But its progress & ive come a long way AND SO CAN YOU.

Itll take time but start today. Its a new year. Stop feeling sorry for yourself & start to make a change.

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