I'm trans, and this is how every attempt I make at conversation goes with my mom.

How are different estimates confusing?

"Roughly 90% of the world's population lives in the northern hemisphere."

"Wait! What the hell is a people??"

But OK, consider those numbers specifically: .6 rounded up is 1, which is definitively less than 2.

That leaves .005, which is so far off the mark I'm thinking you probably just misunderstood something you read, very possibly a p value in a statistical analysis (which may have pertained to gender dysphoria?)

Sorry if I'm mistaken, but considering the sensitivity of the topic / you replied directly to OP / the complete irrelevance and inanity of your comment, it just has a certain "see, these numbers are all over the place, proving once and for all that gender dysphoria is a myth perpetuated by Big Trans" vibe to it.

/r/insaneparents Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com