I'm trapped in an endless cycle

Person under my really did a good job of summing it up, but I'll add my experience.

I've wanted a shiba since I was...15 or 16? Knew they were high maintenance, difficult to train, etc. Finally have my boy at 27. I'd set a list of "must have in place" things before I'd even talk to a breeder. These included:

  • I need to financially be able to support the realistic expenses of a dog. Getting a new job with a big raise is what really enabled this for me
  • Own my own home. Shibes are great in apartments but I wanted to have the freedom to adjust my abode to suit the dog. So glad, we've ended up needing lots of gates to keep peace between dog/cats. Couldn't have just drilled gates into apartments willy nilly. Plus damages done by dog. Jiro is a good boy but dogs are dogs.
  • Mental maturity. Puppies are frustrating, annoying, costly, and Shibes don't listen for shit until you really train them to. I needed to be in a place mentally where I was able to keep my home dog proofed, when I get frustrated I can calm myself without expressing it at/towards him. Crate was clutch for this, allows for safe time outs :)

  • Partner. Having a puppy is hard and I wanted to do it as a team. My current SO isn't an animal person but knows it's something important to me so he puts in the work. They fucking love each other now.

  • Laziness. I'm a lazy fuck, I know it. That's why I didn't get a border collie or a high energy dog. My boy can get 3-30 minute walks a day and pretty much be OK. When it's 4 degrees outside and it makes my face hurt, or I'm sick as shit and can barely walk it's tough to man up and do it. If puppy kiss sleeping in past 8 or 9 goodbye.

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