I'm very curious to see what you guys think of this question

If the situation were "press a button to kill 100 people, or you die," I would never tell someone it's morally wrong to press the button. I think every individual should have the right to assign infinite value to their own life, and any action is acceptable if it's for the purpose of preventing your own guaranteed death. Of course in real life you can never possibly know that you're 100% going to die or 100% going to survive, but this is the core principle I'm going with for the hypothetical.

It's a tougher question when it's imprisonment instead of death, but that's still bad enough that I think it would be acceptable to press the button. Change it to house arrest instead, and now it requires way more thought than I'm willing to put into a reddit post.

As for "would you press the button," I can say that I think I would, but who the fuck really knows? Depends on a lot of factors, like my mood at the time or how the whole scenario is set up. I might pussy out at the last moment, or decide that saving 100 lives is the best outcome I'll ever get.

/r/Destiny Thread Link - i.redd.it