I'm very interested in fascism, particularly National Syndicalism. I'm currently fairly invested in Maoism, but given the right argument I could probably be convinced. Convince me of fascism's merits?

Why not Juche? You like strong leadership:

"Unlike Marxism–Leninism, which places material forces as the driving force of historical progress (known as historical materialism), North Korea considers human beings in general as the driving force in history. It is summarized as "popular masses are placed in the center of everything, and the leader is the center of the masses". Juche, North Korea states, is a "man-centered ideology" in which the "man is the master of everything and decides everything".

Unlike humans in Marxist-Leninist thought, in which ones decisions are inextricably linked to their relations to the means of production (concept referred to as "relations of production"), in Juche thought man is independent and decides everything. Just like Marxist–Leninist thought, Juche believes history is law-governed, but that it is only man who drives progress: "the popular masses are the drivers of history". However, for the masses to be successful, they need a "Great Leader". Marxism–Leninism argues that the popular masses will lead (on the basis of their relation to production); in North Korea, the role of a Great Leader should be essential for leadership. This theory allegedly helped Kim Il-sung establish a unitary, one-man rule over North Korea.

The theory turns the "Great Leader" into an absolutist, supreme leader. The working class is not to think for themselves, but instead to think through the "Great Leader". The "Great Leader" is the "top brain" (i.e., "mastermind") of the working class, meaning that he is the only legitimate representative of the working class. Class struggle can only be realized through the "Great Leader", and difficult tasks in general and revolutionary changes in particular can only be introduced through, and by, the "Great Leader". Thus, in historical development, it is the "Great Leader" who is the leading force of the working class. The "Great Leader" is also a flawless human being, who never commits mistakes, who is always benevolent, and who always rules for the masses. The leader is incorruptible. For the "Great Leader" system to function, a unitary ideological system has to be in place. In North Korea, that unitary ideological system is known as the Ten Principles for a Monolithic Ideological System."

I almost despise the ideology, were it not for me understanding the material conditions that gave rise to this sort of thinking, but it sounds up your alley.

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